Here is some basic information on Emu, and its rearing and breeding in a nutshell:
- Origin – Australia
- Family – Ratite
- Purpose of rearing - Oil, Meat, Skin and feather
- Life span - 30 years
- Chick weight at hatch - 400 –450 g
- Adult body weight - 40-50 kg
- Height - 5-6 feet
- Age at sexual maturity - 18 – 24 months
- Slaughter age- 14 - 16 months
- Sex ratio - 1:1
- Paddock requirement for breeding - 500 - 1000 Sq. ft. / pair
- Paddock requirement for slaughter- 50 - 100 Sq. ft. / bird
- Breeding pen size (open) - 150-200 sq.ft./pair
- Emu shed - 100 sq.ft/pair
- Egg weight - 500 – 700 g
- Shell color - Emerald green
- Number of toes – 3
- Incubation period - 52 days
- Number of eggs produced/year- 40-50 eggs
- Dressing meat yield - 35 – 40 %
- Leather produced/bird- 8 – 10 sq. ft. / bird
- Feather yield / bird- 400 - 600 g
- Feed type – Omnivores
- Hatchability - 60 – 88 %
- Handling – Curious
- Temperament of bird – Docile
- Oil production / adult bird: 5 - 6 liters of raw oil
- Running speed - 60 km/hr
- Laying pattern lays an egg - every 3 rd day
- Laying time- Late evening
- Breedable age- 1.5 - 22 years
- Laying period in India - winter season (October- March)

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