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Sunday, 22 July 2012
Emu Farms
emu farms
Emu farm economic survey indicated that cost involved in purchase of breeding stock were expensive (68%). The rest of the investments are on farm (13%) and hatchery (19%). Feeding cost per breeding pair per annum was estimated to be Rs. 3600.Cost of production of hatching egg and day-old chick was Rs.793 and 1232 respectively. Annual feed intake per pair was recorded as 524 kg, costing Rs.3578. The cost of salable chick at day-old age was Rs.2500-3000.The cost of salable chick at 3 mont age was Rs.5000-6000. Better returns from emu are possible with good hatchability (more than 80%),lower feeding cost and minimized chick mortality (less than 10%).
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